Trytoon Aacademy – Best training institute in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Affiliated to Utkal University of Culture Recognised by Govt. of Odisha

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The fashion industry of ten years ago to the present has changed distinctly; it is a boom that has been developing more rapidly and fluently. The fashion Industry is the second largest profiting Industry in India and same is the scenario of the world, major population are young and are fashion conscious, as the growth is positive the opportunities for aspiring young designers are abundant.

It is composed of various important steps a person should do exploration and research as per the theme for which he/she is designing, and then sketching is done of the original concept on paper, crucial part is shaping the pattern pieces which make the garment as per the design, then the pieces are drawn in actual size on paper and cut out on a rough material or can be done by draping on dummy also to check its look or any other requirement, it is stitched together, then finished and fitted on a model, if everything sets well then modifications in the pattern pieces or other features of the concept are made and thus the design is completed as per the sketch, finally garments are  made in the final fabric in the actual look, finishing is done which comprises of ironing washing if required or any other finishing.

Fashion designing courses provide best fashion institute in Bhubaneswar odishaROLE OF FASHION DESIGNER

Fashion designers design garments which are unique as well as attractive and in keeping with trends, market predictions and the climate. They have knowledge about fabric, weave, draping qualities, material, colour and design and the changing trends. A designer must be able to transform a design from an idea to a physical illustration and then, eventually, to a final prototype on which the finished product will be based.

Creativity is also a must, without it he or she would not come up with those ideas in the first place. Designers usually work in teams. That makes strong communication skills a very important trait. A fashion designer creates clothing, including dresses, suits, pants and skirts, and accessories such as shoes, for consumers.

One can specialize in clothing, accessory or jewellery design. Some designers work in all three areas. Another area of specialization is costume design for those who want to create wardrobes for television, movie and theatre productions.  If you choose to earn a degree your coursework will include sketching, colour, textiles, sewing and tailoring, pattern making, fashion history and computer-aided design (CAD).

Or in simple words fashion designers create/design clothing and accessories. Normally, they make sketches, determine measurements and dimensions and select fabrics, textures, accessories etc. They then relay instructions on how to replicate their designs so that they can be produced on a larger scale & this process continuous.


A career in fashion industry sounds glamorous and lucrative. There are so many different roles and positions that you can play in the fashion world. One does not necessarily be a fashion designer but still be able to have a very successful career in the fashion industry.

  • Apparel designers
  • Footwear designers
  • Accessory designers
  • Technical Designers
  • Pattern Makers
  • Pattern Graders
  • Merchandiser
  • Fitting Models
  • Quality Control Specialists
  • Fashion Buyer/ Retail Merchandisers
  • Showroom Sales Specialists
  • Retail Store Manager/ Boutique Owners
  • Fashion Writers
  • Personal Stylists
  • Graphic Designer
  • Fashion event Management/ Public Relations
  • Freelance Designer
  • Entrepreneurs and form their own company


  • Export houses dealing with garment/textile/handloom exports
  • Retail and wholesale garment businesses in men‘s/women‘s/children clothing in sportswear/casual wear, etc.
  • Haute Couture
  • Teaching design
  • With Film production units
  • TV/Film fashion program producers/comperes/costume designers, etc.
  • Fashion show organizers/Fashion publishers
  • Government/Semi government-handloom/textile manufacturers
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