Bachelor Degree in Fashion Design students feedback at TRYTOON ACACEMY ,Bhubaneswar,Odisha

SONUSMITA ROUT is the Bachelor degree Fashion Design students at TRYTOON ACADEMY affiliated to Utkal University of Culture and recognised by Govt of Odisha. SONUSMITA ROUT is very sincere students in Fashion Design department she has very good performance for her study in Fashion design course we also found nice feedback from our faculties time […]
Sruti Ranjan Muduli University Fashion design students topper in Odisha

Our University topper Fashion design students Sruti Ranjan Muduli placed at RITU KUMAR fashion house at Kolkota blessed with our best wishes for bright future given excellent feedback after completion of Bachelor Degree in Fashion Design 2018-2022 Batch at TRYTOON ACADEMY. Sruti Ranjan Muduli is not only proud of TYTOON ACADEMY but also proud of […]